Coping with Trauma Triggers: Rainbow Grounding

Certified Brainspotting Therapist Pennsylvania

Using Rainbow Grounding

Experiencing trauma triggers can be overwhelming, but grounding techniques can provide a practical way to manage these moments and come back to yourself. "Rainbow Grounding” is a sensory-based method that combines mindfulness with a focus on colors to help bring your awareness back to the present moment.

By focusing on finding and identifying different colors in your environment, you can redirect your mind from distressing thoughts and feelings to something concrete and tangible.

Steps to Practice Rainbow Grounding

  1. Find a Safe Space: When you feel a trauma trigger coming on, find a place where you feel safer and can focus without interruptions.

  2. Take Deep Breaths: Begin by noticing your breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Slowing your breath can help to calm your nervous system and prepares you for the grounding exercise.

  3. Focus on Colors: Look around your environment and identify objects that represent each color of the rainbow. Start with red and work your way through to violet. For example:

    • Red: A book cover, a piece of clothing, or a flower.

    • Orange: A fruit, a toy, or a piece of art.

    • Yellow: A lamp, a mug, or a piece of fabric.

    • Green: A plant, a cushion, or a piece of jewelry.

    • Blue: A piece of paper, a painting, or the sky outside.

    • Indigo: A curtain, a notebook, or a scarf.

    • Violet: A poster, a pen, or a piece of decoration.

  4. Engage Your Senses: As you identify each color, try to engage as many senses as possible. Notice the texture, smell, or sound associated with the object. This multi-sensory engagement helps to deepen the grounding effect. The goal is to decrease the activation you are experiencing, even if it’s only a little bit, it will help you re-engage with yourself and your thinking brain so that you can decide what you would like to do next.

  5. Reflect on the Experience: After completing the exercise, take a moment to reflect on how you feel. Notice any changes in your body or mind. You might find that you feel more present, calmer, and centered.

Benefits of Rainbow Grounding

  • Immediate Relief: Rainbow Grounding can provide quick relief from intense emotions by redirecting your focus to something neutral and manageable.

  • Enhanced Mindfulness: This technique encourages mindfulness by bringing your awareness to the present moment and the details of your surroundings.

  • Accessible Anywhere: You can practice Rainbow Grounding anywhere, making it a versatile tool for managing triggers in different settings.

  • Non-Invasive: Unlike some coping strategies, Rainbow Grounding is non-invasive and can be done discreetly, making it suitable for public or social situations.

Tips for Success

  • Practice Regularly: Like any skill, grounding techniques improve with regular practice. Try to incorporate Rainbow Grounding into your daily routine, even when you’re not triggered.

  • Combine with Other Techniques: Rainbow Grounding can be combined with other grounding techniques, such as the 5-4-3-2-1 method, box breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation.

  • Personalize the Experience: Make the exercise your own by choosing colors or objects that have personal significance and bring you comfort.

Rainbow Grounding is a powerful and versatile tool for coping with trauma triggers. By focusing on the colors of the rainbow and engaging your senses, you can anchor yourself in the present moment and regain a sense of regulation. With practice, this technique can become an invaluable part of your coping toolkit, helping you navigate through challenging moments with greater ease and resilience.

To learn more coping strategies, check out more of our Blog, or inquire about Brainspotting Therapy with our Trauma Specialist!


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